Monday, January 3, 2011

patterns and readiness-to-hand

Basic human coping skills like driving a car or playing ball seem based on the ability to recognize and respond to patterns, not solving equations or doing calculations. The general know-how involved here is based upon directly perceiving possibilities and acting on them, not knowing (implicitly or explicitly) that some set of facts holds.

I have to expand on this later, but I wonder if there's a connection to be made between patterns and pattern-recognition and Heidegger's account of being-in-the-world in Division I of Being and Time.


me said...

My first thought is that it's useful to think of patterns as constitutive of world... but to make sense of patterns, I think you'd need to start with the section on "reference and signs". Though the phrase pattern "recognition" might be a bit misleading.

der Augenblick said...

It's been awhile, so you'll have to refresh my memory on signs and reference.